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The Bay is all you need ❤️

Although my trip to San Francisco was not to site see I was able to check out a couple of iconic places. 


One of the main things I plan for when traveling is transportation, because I usually do not rent a car I often walk or use public transportation or Uber.  So to look up how much transportation will roughly coast I use google maps and there it tells you how long it will take to walk what type of transportations you may use and how much it will coast and about how much an Uber will be from location to location. 

Although I don’t remember how I arrived downtown i got there some how. While being in San Fran I quickly dropped off my belonging at my hotel. I always do a good check around my room to make sure there’s nothing that seems fishy or weird. But once I cleared that I got ready for the concert and began my journey around the Bay Area. I mainly walked around this huge town but from time to time I jumped on an Uber. Especially going up those crazy hills! Princess diaries wasn’t joking about those uphill streets! 

Palace of Fine Arts

Being a fan of Star Wars, top of my list was the palace of fine arts! Many say when you are looking at this amazing site it transports you to an another planet. While gazing at the beautiful architecture I was listening to “Across the Stars” by John Williams. Talk about being in Naboo! 

While wondering around you may stumble upon the 2 swans which make for amazing pictures but I was just focusing on my Star Wars theme! Said “may the force be with you” and continued on. 

Next I was on my way to the Golden Gate Bridge. I wondered through these grand trees. Nice to get out of the sun for a bit. 

May the force be with you

Stroll through the trees

Golden Gate Bridge

Didn’t have much time to walk on the bridge itself and I was also trying to conserve my energy for the concert later that night I went to Crissy Field East Beach. Nice area to check out the full length of the bridge on this clear bright day.  As I was walking to my next destination I seen many people ridding in these little buggies mobiles it looks like lots of fun but I was enjoying my walking adventures and the smell of a new area. 

Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory

Along the way I ran I to a familiar view.  Thinking of how this view is so fresh in my brain? Remembering how they have a little set up of the Ghirardelli chocolate factory at Disney’s California adventures! Where my cousin always buys her shake, Nob hill chill. It’s a good one too.  And chocolate like many, is one of my weaknesses. 

The VW bus that we all want to own

On my way over to the fisherman’s wharf you run into some amazing things that just makes you want to throw peace signs in the air. 

Great day in the bay lots of tourist out and about. On my way to the wharf there are many little gift shops to buy souvenirs I often don’t buy many, I usually just look for a cool sticker to add to my hydro flask. This time I also bought a shirt to wear to the concert that night that said the bay is all you need. I thought it was a perfect fit, being I was seeing James Bay. 

Fisherman's Wharf

As many of you may have heard San Fran has some of the best clam chowder. Being a super fan of clam chowder, I was up for trying some on this hot day. 

Streets of San Fran

So I stumbled to Boudin which is very well known in the area for its amazing bread and clam chowder.

Clam Chowder in bread bowl, with some grilled cheese of course!

I order a grilled cheese along with a clam chowder bread bowl, with some pink lemonade. To hype myself up for the concert. 

“Pink lemonade” - James Bay 

Believe me, it tasted amazing and reminded me of Disneyland clam chowder! Both amazing! 

Short day spent in San Fran, I wanted to get to the venue early to be in the front for the concert. Always pays off! Ended my San Fran excursion with meeting the man James Bay himself. 

Front Row at James Bays concert

Meeting the man himself

I asked for him to do a funny faces but I was freaking out so much that I made a super weird one.  My love for music and musicians moves me to do some pretty crazy things. So I often stay after the concert to meet them. Which I often get to meet these amazing people. I’m always starstruck. But staying out late to meet them them is always worth it. But I got back home to the hotel really late. Slept for a couple hours, next thing you knew i was on my way to the airport and back home! 

Traveling to San Fran by myself, again I felt safe. A very free spirit vibe they got going on. If your solo traveling I’d recommend not being out late alone, thankfully i was able to meet up with some friends i made previously and we were all able to wait together for James. 

But San Fran, you were good to me! 

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