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Off to another beautiful beach! Puerta Maya, Cozumel. When we arrived here our group decided to stay together on this one. Once getting off our floating home, we walked through the colorful city. They have many little shops set up everywhere right from the the beginning. Not sure what you take as crowded. I didn’t feel like everyone was on top of each other I feel like I had plenty of space. Most of the people there also took off in different way so the people also faded.

Streets of Puerta Maya, Cozumel

Streets of Puerta Maya, Cozumel

First we had to look for some drivers for our huge group witch didn’t take long, but it aloud us to do a we bit of window shopping.

Puerta Maya, Cozumel sign to take pictures by

Great welcome sign to Puerta Maya

Walking around, the music was already playing so the party was ready to begin. We figured we would save our partying time for the night life and just relax and catch some sun. 

walkway of beautiful puerta maya, cozumel

Beautiful walkways

I don’t remember where we asked our driver to take us, but we ended up at a beach which was super fun! Gorgeous water as well. And in the water they had floating structures, which were AWESOME!

We were climbing over all these structures in these clear waters, we slide off the slide and even jumped off the edge at some point! It definitely got your blood pumping! The other who weren’t swimming as much were planning on jet skinning and doing other activities. Grisi my partner in crime really wanted to go paragliding. Now I have a small fear of highs but I thought it would be an amazing view so I signed up as well. It wasn't very expensive per person, i think we got a deal so bonus!

I need to ask her for the GoPro pictures but when our group was called we had to take a small boat ride to a bigger boat, I got to sit next to the captain, and after some conversation I got to BECOME THE CAPTAIN. No I said that right I became the captain and was now driving this small, small boat to our destination. But super fun! Once we started getting closer to the other boat I turned it back to the professional. Now this was the tricky part. So our small boat pulled up next to a bigger boat and after tying the ropes to together you have to make a small jump to the next boat, again adds to the adventure! Once on the larger boat the crew starts to get you strapped in, it was a bit difficult due to the waves rocking the boat but they were fast and able to explain the safety tips to us! Once the couple in front of us returned from the air, it was our turn! We had to balance on the back of this boat but thankfully we were Abe to sit down back there they strapped us in and and into the air we went! The wind swept us off our feet and in the air we went. BEAUTIFUL VIEWS! Every where you look was gorgeous blue clear water with even bluer patches of water! At some point it did sprinkle a little bit. At times when the boat would slow down you would drop fast but they knew what they were doing it was fun overall. Loved being up there, I tried not to look down super often because we where in the clouds just enjoyed the moment! Which was amazing I would definitely recommend parasailing at a beautiful location! After we got out pictures in they pulled us back to the boat, we had spent about 20 minutes plus in the air. Once back on the boat the crew released us from the harness and back into the smaller boat we went. Once upon arriving back on the beach back into the waters we went! Enjoying the beautiful day it couldn’t get much better! We were also able to do some shopping and buy some little presents for the family. Great place to buy real leather bags that are priced nicely.

Once we acquired a nice little tan it was back to our floating home for us! For dinner and another night of dancing! 

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